Transverse abdominis plane (TAP)-block for the management of post-operative pain following abdominal surgery.Tibiotalar joint injection or aspiration, after failure of unguided procedure.Supraclavicular nerve block for primary regional anesthesia during surgeries, and post-operative pain control.Subpectoral nerve block (parasternal T2 to T6 intercostal block) for postoperative pain control.Subacromial bursal injection or aspiration, after failure of unguided procedure.Serratus plane block for the management of post-operative pain following breast surgery or thoracotomy.Radiofrequency endovenous occlusion (VNUS) (see CPB 0050 - Varicose Veins).Quadratus lumborum nerve block for post-operative pain control after abdominal surgery.Prostate biopsy for prosate nodule or elevated PSA (see CPB 0001 - Transrectal Ultrasound).Posterior glenohumeral (GH) joint injection or aspiration, after failure of unguided procedure.Placement of intracoronary endoluminal devices (see CPB 0382 - Intravascular Ultrasound).Placement of vena caval filter (see CPB 0382 - Intravascular Ultrasound).Pectoralis nerve block (PEC 1 and PEC 2) for the management of post-operative pain following mastectomy.Pectoral nerve blocks (PECS I and PECS II) for post-operative pain control after breast surgery / sternotomy for cardiac surgery.Needle placement, lavage, and debridement of calcific tendinosis of the shoulder.Metatarsophalangeal joint injection or aspiration.Metacarpophalangeal joint injection or aspiration.Lumbar puncture (see CPB 0628 - Spinal Ultrasound).Long head of the biceps injection for the treatment of tendinosis of the biceps.Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block for meralgia paresthetica (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment) (see CPB 0863 - Nerve Blocks).Ischial bursa and gluteus medius injection.IPACK nerve block for pain control after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair or total knee arthroplasty.Intraabdominal or intrapelvic mass biopsy.Infraclavicular nerve block for surgery of the distal arm and hand.Femoral nerve block for post-operative knee pain.Fascia iliaca block for the management of post-operative pain following hip and knee surgeries, and repair of femur fracture.Endovenous laser ablation of the saphenous vein (ELAS) (see CPB 0050 - Varicose Veins).Embryo transfer (see CPB 0327 - Infertility).Elbow joint injection or aspiration, after failure of unguided procedure.De Quervain tendinopathy, after failure of unguided procedure.Central venous access (internal jugular, femoral).Breast mass biopsy (see CPB 0269 - Breast Biopsy Procedures).

Baker's cyst, after failure of unguided procedure.Aetna considers ultrasound (US) guidance medically necessary for the following procedures (not an all-inclusive list):